أعلن مصرف لبنان، في بيان، أنّ
"بناءً على تواصل حاكم مصرف لبنان بالإنابة مع شركة التدقيق العالمية "ALS Inspection UK Ltd" الّتي تم تكليفها من قبل شركة "KPMG" بالتعاون
مع صندوق النقد الدولي، حصل مصرف لبنان بتاريخ 24 آب 2023، على الموافقة بنشر خلاصة تقرير التدقيق
بمخزون الذهب لديه".
وأوضح "أنّه ينشر الخلاصة المذكورة مع ترجمتها إلى اللّغة
العربيّة، الّتي تؤكّد أنّ مخزون الذهب الموجود في خزائن المصرف المركزي هو مطابق للكميّات الموثّقة في بيانات الماليّة".
Bank du
Liban Vault Audit
In 2022
ALS Inspection UK Ltd was approached by KPMG, in association with the
International Monetary Fund, to provide expertise and assistance to verify the
existence and quality of monetary gold holdings stored in the Banque du Liban's
(BDL) vault.
Inspection UK Ltd is a UK based subsidiary of the Australian publicly listed
ALS Limited (ASX: ALO) that provides accurate and independent global inspection
& analysis services for metals, minerals, ores, precious metals, ferro
alloys and solid fuels. With regards to precious metal vault audits, their
expertise, which extends to over 40 years, is regularly utilised by
international clients from both financial and governmental sectors. ALS
Inspection UK Ltd is also an affiliate member of the London Bullion Market
Association (LBMA) which is the international trade association representing
the global Over The Counter (OTC) bullion market. It is widely recognised as
the global authority on precious metals.
Pownall, Global Precious Metals Manager for ALS Inspection UK Ltd advised
"Our objective was to independently inspect, verify and digitally record
BDL's large inventory of gold holdings, which consisted of both bars and coins.
We wanted to create a digital catalogue of their gold inventory that was transparent
and could be audited easily and efficiently in years to come."
individual gold bar was weighed, tested (using numerous pieces of
non-destructive analysis equipment) and relocated by ALS employees to a newly
built dedicated location within BDL's vaulting facilities. The same processes
were performed for BDL's vast coin inventory.
physically handling over 13,000 bars and 600,000 coins, ALS Inspection UK Ltd
independently confirmed the gold containing troy ounce amounts that BDL had documented
and advised as their official gold holdings.
"Although complex and physically strenuous, it was
fascinating to physically handle and view the collection of bars and coins that
BDL held, many of which are rare and no longer produced by international gold
refiners", Mr Pownall added.
Inspection UK Ltd sealed BDL's vault that houses the gold inventory and will
return on an annual basis to perform check audits.